Over time, our skin loses its flexibility and elasticity. In addition, the volume in our face continuously decreases as a result of the reduced subcutaneous tissue. The result is a tired and sometimes grumpy expression. Minimally invasive methods can help to minimize the first wrinkles and give your face a fresher expression. But at some point even these no longer show the desired effect. This is where so-called face-lifting, a surgical procedure, helps by stretching the slack skin and the underlying tissue. With the help of the most modern face-lift techniques in plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery, the visual signs of the time can be treated well without losing your own personality, facial expression and structure. Lost contours are restored, the skin is smoothed and made wrinkle-free. This makes you appear up to ten years younger, which also increases your self-esteem and self-confidence.
When is a face-lift used?
Due to the natural aging process, our tissue structures become increasingly slack. The face sinks down under the influence of gravity and changes our contours. In addition, the sagging skin creates wrinkles that get deeper and deeper over time. The subcutaneous fat tissue also decreases; our face appears less voluminous. This effect can be exacerbated by various factors such as excessive sunbathing, stress, unhealthy diet, alcohol and nicotine consumption as well as free radicals and air pollution. Many people suffer from the way they look and feel increasingly uncomfortable about their skin, which is why they want a more youthful, fresher look.
Aesthetic facial surgery can reposition the sunken structures, such as sagging cheeks or a slack neck area, and remove the skin folds. In addition, volume can be introduced into the flattened regions in the course of the operation. From a plastic surgery point of view, the face can be divided into the four regions forehead, midface, cheeks and neck. Each of these areas must be viewed separately from the other, as they age differently. However, there are many different correction methods for each part of the face that needs to be corrected.
Who is a face-lift suitable for?
Basically, a face-lift is suitable for all people whose skin structure has clearly lost its flexibility and elasticity. Initially, minimally invasive methods of wrinkle treatment are available, but these lose their effect as the skin relaxes. The decision to have a facelift is usually not made on the basis of age, but rather on the basis of the visible signs of aging. Therefore, a statement about the average age cannot really be made. However, it has been shown that people over 50 years of age in particular make best use of this procedure. With a face lift, sunken eyebrows, sagging cheeks and neck areas can be tightened and you can have a fresher, younger complexion. It is important that the natural, characteristic facial features are retained and that you are satisfied with your appearance in the end.

What do I have to consider before a facelift?
Since there are many different possible uses for a facelift, a detailed consultation is of great importance. This is not just about any previous illnesses, allergies or health disorders in order to be able to rule out possible risk factors, but primarily your wishes. Then Dr. Matiasek identifies the parts of the body to be treated and creates an image of the initial situation. Based on this, he will work with you to create an individually tailored treatment concept so that you are ultimately satisfied with the result.
To better prepare you for the surgery, Dr. Matiasek discusses all the steps with you in advance and answers any open questions. He will also explain possible risks and complications to you, as these can always occur in the course of a surgical procedure.
You should stop smoking and alcohol consumption at least two weeks before the procedure, as this can lead to wound healing disorders. Blood-thinning medication such as Marcoumar or aspirin should no longer be taken one week before the operation. Since a face lift is usually carried out under general anesthesia, nothing should be eaten six hours before the procedure and little should be drunk two hours beforehand. Do not use make-up on your face on the day of treatment.
How does a facelift work?
Depending on the characteristics and wishes of the patient, the facelift takes place differently. What all methods have in common is that it is a surgical procedure, which is usually associated with a two-day hospital stay. The operation itself takes between one and several hours, depending on the complexity.
A basic distinction is made between a more extensive facelift and minimal variants. The cuts in a classic facelift are made at the hairline and behind the ears down to the nape of the neck. The skin is lifted and detached from the muscles, connective tissue and fatty tissue and carefully pulled back and up. This will give your face its contours again. In addition, the muscles and subcutaneous fat are also repositioned. In the next step, excess skin is removed and the cuts sutured. In order to maintain a natural look, it is important that the tightening is not overdone.
In addition to the classic variant, there are also partial lifts such as forehead or eyebrow lifts. Strong forehead wrinkles such as frown lines or thinker’s lines can be greatly reduced.
With mini-lifting, the cheek area in particular is tightened, but the muscles, fat or connective tissue are not affected. The number of cuts is also much lower, which means that healing is faster. This variant is particularly popular with younger patients whose skin is only minimally slack.
If there are particularly strong signs of aging, a complete face-neck lifting is recommended, as otherwise there may be discrepancies in appearance. The face appears significantly younger, but the neck and neck area are still characterized by sagging skin. With the help of the most modern face-lift techniques, Dr. Matiasek will make you look 10 to 15 years younger. Any scars run along natural skin folds. Over time, however, these fade more and more.
What complications and risks does a face-lift entail?
Basically, the facelift is considered a procedure with few complications, but as with any operation, complications can arise. Immediately after the procedure, you may experience redness, swelling, bruises, a feeling of tension and hardening. In most cases, however, these symptoms disappear after a few days. Some patients experience numbness as a result of nerve injuries. These should also recover within a few weeks. As with many operations, wound healing disorders, bleeding, scarring or infections can occur in individual cases, but thanks to modern techniques this is seldom the case.
What do I have to consider after a facelift?
After the operation, you should allow yourself rest for at least two weeks in order to guarantee optimal healing. Try to avoid strong movement in the face and it is best to avoid nicotine and alcohol altogether. In addition, you should cool your face right from the start to relieve and counteract redness and swelling.
You should also try to sleep on your back for the first few weeks to avoid pressure points. In order to relieve the chewing muscles, it is best to switch to soft food. Sports, sauna, steam bath and solarium are not permitted in the first few weeks. Although you will be able to work and socialize again after about two to four weeks, you should not do any heavy work.
So that the scars heal nicely, you should take good care of them and avoid intense sunlight. You are welcome to inquire about possible care products during the consultation with Dr. Matiasek. Be sure to keep all upcoming follow-up appointments so that the healing process can be monitored and any complications can be responded to in good time.
When are the results of a face-lift visible?
When the final result becomes visible depends on the scope and the surgical technique. In addition, there will be swelling, redness and bruising that take some time to heal. Thus, it can take a few weeks or even months for the end result to occur. The duration of the effect also depends on various factors. In general, however, the result will last 10 to 15 years. A healthy lifestyle and effective sun protection can extend the effects.
Dr. Matiasek aims to maintain your natural look and personality and to give your face a youthful, fresh look. Therefore, Dr. Matiasek welcome you for a personal consultation in his practice, where your wishes and ideas can be discussed and an individual treatment plan can be determined.