For a long time now, the treatment of facial wrinkles has not been a purely woman’s business, because more and more men want smooth and fresh facial skin. However, the normal aging process and expressive facial expressions inevitably create small wrinkles on the face. With the help of botox and hyaluronic acid, however, these can be treated well and the signs of aging can be effectively alleviated.
How do botox and hyaluronic acid differ in their effects?
Botox, short for botulinum toxin, is a poison from a bacterium called Clostridium difficile. Under normal circumstances, botulinum toxin is life-threatening for humans if, for example, it forms in expired canned food and a person ingests it. In low doses, however, it is used in many areas of medicine. Botox blocks the transmission of signals from nerve cells to the respective muscles. This muscle-paralyzing effect can be useful in many ways in medicine, as the effect also brings improvement in migraine therapy, for example. In aesthetic medicine, on the other hand, Botox specifically paralyzes the facial muscles in order to either prevent the formation of wrinkles due to facial expressions or to smooth out existing wrinkles.
In contrast, hyaluronic acid is popular as a filler in plastic surgery. The sugar compound, which occurs naturally in our skin and joints, is strongly water-binding and makes the skin look plump. With age, however, the proportion of hyaluronic acid drops sharply and the skin loses its elasticity as a result. With the help of a filler treatment with hyaluronic acid, it is possible to counteract this process. In addition to smoothing wrinkles, hyaluronic acid can also be used for lip enlargement, injections into the dark circles, masculinization of the face, smoothing out nasal unevenness and many other treatments.
When does it make sense to treat facial wrinkles in men?
If a man feels uncomfortable because of his facial wrinkles and wants to look younger, this can be achieved with the help of hyaluronic acid or botox. The decision with what to treat the wrinkles is made by Dr. Matiasek based on the patient’s request and the type of wrinkles. Botox is particularly suitable for the treatment of facial wrinkles, such as laugh lines in the eye area or frown lines on the forehead. Hyaluronic acid is used on sagging, sunken skin. If the existing wrinkles are very deep, a combination of both active ingredients can be useful.
When it comes to wrinkle treatment, it is particularly important to Dr. Matiasek that the results look natural and that there are no frozen botox facial expressions, which is why he informs his patients about the possibilities in this context.
As a man, what should I be aware of before treating facial wrinkles with botox and hyaluronic acid?
Before the actual wrinkle treatment, Dr. Matiasek has a detailed conversation with his patients, in which he specifically responds to their wishes. The problem area is then looked at and examined. Since it is particularly important to Dr. Matiasek that his patients feel comfortable and well informed, he works with you to create a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual situation. He also clarifies whether there are any previous illnesses and whether medication is being taken. In rare cases, these should be discontinued one week before treatment by arrangement. Most of the time, Dr. Matiasek carries out the treatment during the initial consultation, which saves patient waiting time. If several treatments are planned, you should avoid alcohol and nicotine for a week.
How does the treatment of facial wrinkles with botox and hyaluronic acid work in men?
Wrinkle treatment with hyaluronic acid or botox takes place on an outpatient basis. This means that the patient can go home immediately after injection. Since the treatment is painless, no anesthesia is necessary.
A Botox treatment can be a little different depending on the specific project, but it is basically the same. First, the area to be treated is disinfected. Most often, patients are asked to make certain facial expressions so that Dr. Matiasek can identify the muscle to be treated. He then injects the botulinum toxin into it with a very fine needle, which is why the patient normally does not feel any pain. Only the entry of botulinum toxin into the muscle can be a bit uncomfortable for some patients. The toxin does not work immediately after treatment, but takes a few hours to take effect. The skin may be red or swollen after the injections, but the patient can return to everyday activities immediately after the treatment.
The treatment with hyaluronic acid is similar to the botox injection. First the puncture sites are disinfected, then a fine needle is inserted into the desired area. Depending on the individual situation, the hyaluronic acid is injected into the superficial or deeper layers of the skin. In contrast to the botox injection, the first results of a hyaluronic acid treatment are visible immediately after the injection, although slight swelling or redness may occur and the result may appear a little different. Direct cooling after the injection, however, counteracts the swelling.
What complications can occur when treating facial wrinkles with botox and hyaluronic acid?
Both treatment methods are very low-risk and usually do not have many side effects. However, both hyaluronic acid and botox treatment can lead to slight redness, swelling or bruises, which usually go away on their own after a few days. In rare cases, an injection of botulinum toxin can be followed by a sensitivity disturbance in the treated area. Short-term paralysis or nausea can also occur. However, if the treatment is carried out correctly, this is extremely rare. If the results are not satisfactory, this is only the case for a few months, as both botox and hyaluronic acid do not bring about permanent changes.
As a man, what should I be aware of after wrinkle treatment with botox and hyaluronic acid?
After wrinkle treatment, it makes sense to cool the affected areas with cooling compresses, as this reduces the appearance of bruises and swellings. Patients can wash their face gently about two hours after treatment. Alcohol and nicotine should be avoided on the day of treatment and saunas and solariums should not be used for about a week. On the day of the botox injection, the areas should be spared, which is why massage or plucking eyebrows are strongly discouraged.
After a hyaluronic acid injection, however, certain massage techniques can even out unevenness and lead to better results. Since hyaluronic acid is a reservoir of water that the body can tap into when dehydrated, Dr. Matiasek encourages patients to drink plenty of water two weeks after the hyaluronic acid treatment, as this will keep the results for longer.
As a man, what results can I expect from wrinkle treatment with botox and hyaluronic acid?
Both botox and hyaluronic acid are active ingredients that have been established for many years and are an integral part of non-invasive aesthetic medicine. Because of this, experienced doctors in the field know exactly how the treatment will work. Accordingly, Dr. Matiasek usually fulfills the patient’s wishes exactly and either smooths existing wrinkles or counteracts new wrinkles. It is particularly important to him that the results appear natural and that normal facial expressions remain. Wrinkle treatment can help patients look younger and fresher and thereby strengthen their self-confidence.
With hyaluronic acid treatment, the first results are visible immediately after the injection, while the results of the botox injection only appear after a few hours. Since the body gradually breaks down both substances, the wrinkle-smoothing effect lasts for around three to six months. If further treatment is desired, this can be repeated as often as desired.
Wrinkle treatment with botox and hyaluronic acid is a quick, non-invasive way to remove wrinkles efficiently. If you are interested in this or if you would like further information on this topic, Dr. Matiasek will be happy to welcome you to his practice.