The image of men in the media gives us the illusion of “the perfect man”: slim, well-trained and well-formed – a muscular and taut appearance as the epitome of male attractiveness. However, the reality is different, because every second man suffers from the unpopular fat deposits on the hips, stomach and chin. They mostly arose due to hormonal imbalances or severe obesity and now disrupt the appearance of the body. However, the fat deposits cannot always be eliminated with a healthy lifestyle and sport, and this causes psychological stress. In this case, liposuction, also known as liposuction, can help to restore the desired body contour and to feel comfortable in your own body again. In a personal consultation, Dr. Matiasek will advise you comprehensively on the possibilities of liposuction and create an individual treatment plan for you
What are the reasons for male liposuction?
he reasons for liposuction in men are different. In principle, however, the desire for a slim, beautifully defined body is in the foreground; especially when exercise and a healthy diet do not bring the hoped-for success. Often men also want their six pack to be more pronounced and clearly visible.
Due to a maldistribution of fat, many men gain weight, especially on the flanks, stomach and hips. So-called “love handles” or “lifebuoys” refer to the accumulation of fat on the back of a man’s waist and hips. The only way to get rid of this is often through diet or exercise, which is why many resort to surgical correction. Often there is also a desire to have “man breasts” removed, technically also called gynecomastia, because male breasts disturb the aesthetic sensation of a man. As a rule, this is caused by hormone fluctuations during puberty, which means that glandular bodies are increasingly formed which will no longer disappear without surgical therapy.
In addition, quite a number of men struggle with an enlarged waistline, also known as a beer belly. This increased accumulation of fatty tissue in the front part of the trunk can result from increased alcohol consumption or hormonal changes, which on the one hand lead to an increase in the fatty tissue under the skin and on the other hand within the abdominal cavity between the intestinal loops. If the second reason predominates, liposuction cannot be performed because the layer of fatty tissue under the skin is too thin to make an aesthetic difference.
As a man, what do I have to consider before liposuction?
About two weeks before the procedure, you should refrain from taking blood-thinning medication and largely limit or even stop the consumption of alcohol, cigarettes or sleeping pills. Wear something comfortable on the day of the treatment and do not use any care products. Do not eat or drink anything for six hours before the operation.
How does liposuction work in men?
First, Dr. Matiasek marks the areas to be treated with a marker. Then, the anesthesia takes place, which usually consists of a general anesthetic. Sedation may also be sufficient, whereby the choice of anesthesia is already made during the consultation. The procedure itself takes about one to four hours and takes place either in the day clinic or as an inpatient with an overnight check-up. There are several different techniques for performing liposuction, and Dr. Matiasek prefers to use vibration-assisted liposuction, as it can be used to achieve particularly sustainable results.
In vibration-assisted liposuction in combination with the tumescence method (VAL), Dr. Matiasek first injects a liquid mixture of sterile saline solution, adrenaline and a local anesthetic into the adipose tissue. Special vibration cannulas ensure that the fat cells burst faster. After about 45 minutes, the fatty tissue loosens and can easily be suctioned off with the finest cannulas. The vibration creates heat, which in turn has a tightening effect. Surrounding nerves and vessels are spared during this procedure. The advantage of this method is that the skin at the entry points of the cannulas does not have to be nourished and thus heals more quickly.
At the end of each treatment, the incision sites are taped shut and special compression garments are put on to protect the treated areas. In addition, the protection ensures that there are no irregularities or dents and that the result is therefore satisfactory.
What are the risks and complications of liposuction for men?
As with any surgery, complications can arise with liposuction. Impairments during or after the procedure can be swelling, bruising, secondary bleeding, hardened tissue, embolism, thrombosis, circulatory problems, wound healing disorders or infections. However, these symptoms occur very rarely. In addition, for various reasons, the result can be unsatisfactory with asymmetries or dents. Most complications go away on their own after two to three weeks. If you have any complaints or questions, you can contact Dr. Contact Matiasek at any time.
As a man, what should I watch out for after liposuction?
You will be informed in advance of a liposuction what the time after the treatment will be like and what measures you should take to contribute to the best possible long-term result. In the first six weeks after the procedure, you should wear special compression garments so that the subcutaneous fatty tissue can contract and there are no sagging skin areas. For about four to eight weeks, patients should avoid sunbathing, saunas and hot baths, as well as anti-coagulant and blood-thinning medication. Those affected should also only resume exercise after about four to six weeks. The healing and the slowed lymph flow can be promoted by means of lymph drainage. Most men can go back to their usual everyday life and work after a few days. To prevent wound healing disorders, you should avoid alcohol and nicotine for at least four weeks. To support you, Dr. Matiasek monitors the healing process in regular follow-up check-ups.
When are the results of liposuction visible in men?
A topic that patients are naturally keenly interested in is when the results of liposuction will be visible. Since swelling occurs after the procedure, the first changes can only be seen after about two weeks. The final result usually appears after about six months. Only then does the treated tissue take on its new shape and the swelling associated with the procedure has completely subsided. The fat cells removed during the operation can no longer be reproduced, but the remaining fat cells can fill up and enlarge if you gain weight again. In order to prevent this, you should therefore pay attention to a healthy diet and sufficient physical activity.
Register today for a non-binding consultation so that you can soon make your dream body a reality. Dr. Matiasek will discuss your wishes and ideas with you and create the ideal treatment plan for you. Dr. Matiasek looks forward to getting to know you and being at your side in an advisory capacity.