The correction of protruding ears, also known as otoplasty, is a popular procedure in aesthetic plastic surgery. Along with the nose and the eyes, the ears are one of the central features of our face and accordingly attract a lot of attention. However, if the ears stick out, they are a frequent and popular target of teasing, especially in childhood. This can be so formative that it leads to reduced self-confidence and often accompanies and affects those affected into adulthood. In many cases, therefore, ear correction is used, as it can improve the appearance and help to create a new attitude to life. Dr. Matiasek will be happy to draw up an individual treatment plan for you and to help you achieve a harmonious appearance with the help of ear correction.
Why do patients want to have protruding ears corrected?
Protruding ears are usually not a health problem, but an aesthetic one. For this reason, emotional distress is the most common reason why patients decide to have their protruding ears corrected. Both adult women and men as well as children suffer from their so-called jug ears – a short haircut or an age-related thinning hair growth additionally increase the dominance of protruding ears. A deformation of the ears can have various causes; in the case of protruding ears, the auricle is often too weakly developed or missing completely. It is also possible that the auricle is too pronounced and visually pushes the ear forward. In some patients, the auricle is too deep, which can also lead to protruding ears.
For whom is an ear correction suitable?
Ear correction is suitable for anyone who suffers from protruding ears and no longer wants to hide them. Neither gender nor age play a role, but the right solution can be found for every patient – even for the very young. Ideally, however, the procedure should be performed between the ages of six and fourteen. In children under the age of five, the auricle is not yet fully developed and the ears have not yet taken on their final shape. However, this does not mean that children of this age have to live with their protruding ears: For this age group, there is a gentle and effective alternative that does not require surgery.
How can protruding ears be corrected in children?
Protruding ears are often so pronounced that they become an enormous burden even at a young age. Many parents therefore decide to have their child’s ears surgically repositioned to prevent teasing. For children from the age of five to six, the operation is the same as for adults, as the ears have already acquired their final shape at this age. While local anesthesia or twilight sleep is usually recommended for adolescents and adults, children are usually operated on under general anesthesia.
In infants (from birth to the end of the 5th week of life), the auricle can also be corrected without surgery: In the so-called EarWell method, medicine makes use of the malleability of the earlobe. A silicone shell is placed around the baby’s ear and fixed with medical tape. A small splint attached along the edge of the ear, together with an auricle former, ensures that the auricle is moulded into the desired shape with gentle pressure. Your child then has to wear the attached silicone case for two to several weeks – after two to six weeks, the result of the EarWell method is then visible. The advantage of this method is that it allows for a painless and early correction, which can save your child an operation later on.
What do I have to consider before an ear correction?
Before each treatment Dr. Matiasek holds a consultation with his patients, which provides space for all your wishes, needs and questions. During the joint discussion Dr. Matiasek will conduct a thorough examination of your ears and inform you about the optimal pre- and post-treatment care for an ear correction. In order for a correction of protruding ears to proceed without major complications and risks, it is important that you are in generally good health. Since ear reshaping is a comparatively simple procedure, no special preparation is necessary. However, please refrain from nicotine and alcohol about two weeks before your treatment appointment, the same applies to blood-thinning medication.
What is the procedure for an ear correction?
Depending on the extent of the procedure, the correction of protruding ears takes from 30 minutes upwards and takes place on an outpatient basis using the so-called thread method. In adolescents and adults, the treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic or in twilight sleep, whereas in children a general anaesthetic is often advisable. At the beginning, the treatment area is cleaned and disinfected, then a small incision is made at the back of your ears, to be precise at the transition from the head to the ear. A small section of skin is removed and special sutures are placed to bend the cartilage and hold it in place. It may be necessary to remove part of the ear cartilage to bring the ear into the desired position and then fix it with sutures. Finally, Dr. Matiasek sutures the incisions behind the ears and applies the head bandage. After 10-14 days, a final check-up including removal of the sutures takes place.
What are the complications and risks of ear correction?
The correction of protruding ears is considered to be a very safe procedure where possible risks or complications are manageable. However, as with any surgical procedure, certain side effects and adverse reactions can occur with ear correction. These include bruising, which may need to be surgically cleared if severe, redness, swelling or disruption of the blood supply. Wound or ear cartilage infections are also possible, but these can be specifically counteracted with antibiotics. Temporary sensory disturbances or increased sensitivity to cold are completely normal after an otoplasty and disappear by themselves after a short time.
What do I have to bear in mind after an ear correction?
After a correction of protruding ears it is essential that you wear a head bandage or a headband. This will ensure that the ears heal in the desired position and do not move. You should then wear the bandage for three weeks, both during the day and at night. After the bandage is removed, you should protect your ears while you sleep for another three weeks. How long you will be off sick after the procedure varies from patient to patient. As a rule, however, you will not be able to go to work or school for seven to ten days after the correction of protruding ears, and you will have to take a painkiller if necessary. In the first few weeks after the ear correction, you should also take care not to bend your ears when washing your hair, and visits to the sauna and swimming pool as well as sports are taboo during this period.
When will the results of the ear correction be visible?
After 10-14 days the stitches are removed and the bandages are removed and you can already see the first changes in your ears. However, you will have to be patient for some time before you can see the final results of the ear correction, as the ears are still swollen and sensitive to touch at first. The length of time it takes for the wounds to heal depends not only on the extent of the procedure, but also on your willingness to adhere to the recommended hygiene measures. Basically, however, it can be said that the final result of the correction of protruding ears is visible after two to three months. The result of an ear correction is usually permanent. In rare cases it can happen that the ears regress and return to their original position. In this case the procedure can be repeated without any problems.
Protruding ears are often a major aesthetic problem for those affected, from which they suffer until adulthood. Dr. Matiasek is looking forward to welcome you for a no-obligation consultation and to support you achieve better self-confidence with the help of otoplasty.